Online Community Survey Maker

“Together we can, build a better community, a better country!”

A community is formed when several like-minded individuals join each other. These individuals help each other to grow and prosper as a community. The development of communities is important because when communities thrive, countries prosper. It is easy for small communities to work on their development by meeting regularly and discussing their problems but as communities expand, it gets harder for them to communicate. Every community needs a system where each individual is heard. If you are a part of the management of a community, big or small, you must ensure that you run regular surveys.

Some Examples

Many countries run surveys amongst their communities to be able to get the valuable opinion of individuals. The Community Innovation Surveys (CIS) are a series of surveys run by the national statistical offices in the European Union, Norway and Iceland. Data collected from these surveys is productively used for academic research on innovation, helping the countries grow. The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing statistical survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, sent to approximately 250,000 addresses monthly. These are examples of surveys run on a national scale but you can use also surveys for the advancement of smaller communities like the senior citizens community.

Get Them Involved

Communities are all about togetherness. Surveys actively involve all the members into the decision making process. This makes them feel like an active member of the community and gets them thinking about important issues. You can use an online survey creator to get opinions about anything that concerns the community, be it mortgage regulations, marriage laws or educational decisions. It is good for you to get as many opinions as possible from people within the community as it helps you make better decisions. The most well managed communities are those which make every important decision keeping in mind the needs of the people.

Create a Call for Action

The purpose of running surveys is to find out all the problems faced by the people and create a positive call for action for the betterment of the society. Once a few members are involved in the development process, they will motivate others to participate too. This chain reaction is what makes a community active and helps the community grow. When one community prospers, it also brings out the competitive edge in other communities making them want to grow as well. This development is great for the country as a whole and helps is reach new levels.

Do What You Can

A well-managed community means happy individuals and signals towards the growth of the nation as a whole. You do not need to be at a managerial post to be able to run a survey for the advancement of your community. If you feel that there is something which needs attention, you can run a survey on your own with one of the survey templates below, and direct the results towards the people who can take action. Or you can create a survey online, tailored to your own community. The idea is to work as team to help your community flourish.