Categories: Small Business

20 Practical Wisdom Bits By Millionaires Who Came From Nothing

It is expected that millionaires will soon be controlling the global economy, due to the rapid rise in their numbers. And rapid it is indeed; did you know that in the coming years around 1,700 millionaires will sprout from amongst the American population each day. Also, Bloomberg reports that by the year 2020, America will presumably have 3.1 million new millionaires added to its economy.

See: Tribute To 10 Foreign Entrepreneurs Living The American Dream

With numbers like these, it is easy to be deceived. It makes us think that becoming a millionaire is an easy, effortless and quick task. No doubt the way to success has become shorter with everything in the world speeding up, but it certainly isn’t effortless. The world has become a global community and establishing yourself as a brand has certainly become easier thanks to social media.

However, becoming a millionaire is an arduous task, you need to put in long hours and lots of hard work. Like an American Major League Baseball coach once said:

“What You Lack In Talent Can Be Made Up With Desire, Hustle And Giving 110% All The Time.”

– Don Zimmer

In order to be successful in any field, a person has to put in effort and make certain sacrifices and choices. Not only that, but individuals have to make several impromptu and unexpected decisions, so they can strike while the iron is hot. However, making unplanned decisions also increases the chances of making mistakes, so try to follow the golden rules of pre-established millionaires as much as possible and be extra cautious.

Now that we have established that becoming a millionaire is a hard task, don’t be discouraged or too intimidated to follow your dreams. We have collected 20 priceless bits of advice for your guidance, from people who know how it is being on the other side of the ocean from your dreams, millionaires who came from very little. So brace yourself, because we are showing you the road to El Dorado!

Kelvin Stiles

Kelvin Stiles is a tech enthusiast and works as a marketing consultant at SurveyCrest – FREE online survey software and publishing tools for academic and business use. He is also an avid blogger and a comic book fanatic.

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