Attendee/ Participant Satisfaction


1. How satisfied were you with the registration process?
2. How satisfied are you with the price of the tickets?
3. Where did you buy the tickets from?
4. How satisfied are you with the availability of the tickets?
5. Was it easy to locate the place?
6. How satisfied are you with the parking process?
7. How satisfied are you with the venue facilities?
8. Did you face any commuting issues?
9. Did you find website useful/helpful? Registration process, websites, gifts.


10. How would you rate the presenter/ MC/anchorperson?

Points Question
11. How would you rate the keynotes?

Points Question
12. How satisfied were you with the length of the conference?
13. With 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how would you rate the following features of each talk?
 ContentFormat of presentationPresentation skills
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
14. How would you rate the quality of the speaker’s performance? ( Poor=1, Average=5, Excellent=10)
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
15. How relevant were the talks to the topic/theme?
16. How satisfied were you with the choice of topics?
17. How satisfied were you with the selection of speakers?
18. How satisfied were you with the level of interaction between the audience and the speaker?
19. Do you think the division between presentation and Q&A session was:
20. How satisfied were you with the length of each talk?


21. With 10 being the best, how would you rate the food?

Points Question
22. How satisfied were you with the quality of the audio visual aids?
23. Did you buy the related products offered at the back of the room?
24. Were you satisfied with the food selection?
25. How would you rate the gifts/pamphlets/flyers/brochures offered?
26. Do you prefer gifts or discounts to other events?
27. How satisfied were you with the:
 Completely SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedExtremely Dissatisfied
Room size
Seating arrangements
Acoustics/ sound quality
Row 5

Overall Experience

28. Why did you attend the event?
29. Did the event fulfill your expectations?
30. How satisfied are you with the return on investment of your ticket fee?
31. How organized was the event?
32. What was missing in the event?
33. How can we improve this event in the future?
34. What was the biggest let down of the whole event?
35. Will you attend this event again?
36. Will you recommend this to others?
37. Additional comments if any
38. How would you rate the overall experience of the event?

Points Question

General Information

39. Please give your Details
40. Would you like to be notified about future events?
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