Automobile Insurance Customer Feedback

Automobile Insurance Customer Feedback

1. Please provide the following basic information
2. If yes, who is your current insurance company?
3. If yes, which is your current insurance company?
4. If yes, which is your current insurance company?
5. How much have you spent on automobile insurance for the current year?(In Dollars)
6. How much are you willing to spend on insurance of your automobile?(In Dollars)
7. How much are you willing to spend on insurance of your home? (In Dollars)
8. How much are you willing to spend on life insurance? (In Dollars)
9. What is your criteria for selecting an automobile insurance agent?
10. Which types of insurance do you currently have?
11. Do you have an insurance plan for your automobile?
12. Do you have an insurance plan for your home?
13. Do you have a life insurance policy?
14. How often do you change your automobile insurance agency?
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