Meeting Feedback Survey

Meeting Feedback Survey

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, how productive do you think the meeting was?
Not Productive Somewhat productive Very Productive
Points Question
2. If you think the meeting was unproductive, please tell us why you think so.
3. Was the meeting the appropriate length of time?
4. How satisfied were you with the quality of A/V (audio visual) aids:
5. Was there enough time for discussion?
6. Were the meeting agendas communicated in advance?
7. Were the meeting agendas met?
8. Did the meeting have a clear conclusion?
9. Were action items devised from the agenda?
10. Were the action items assigned to the specific person?
11. Were deadlines set on the action items?
12. Were the deadlines realistic?
13. Did you get an opportunity to contribute and participate in the discussion?
14. Were all the involved parties present at the meeting?
15. Would you like to plan a follow up to this meeting?
16. If you would like a follow up meeting, please specify the time and date
17. Would you like to give some suggestions/advice or other feedback on how meetings could be improved in the future?
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