Meeting Planning

Meeting Planning Survey

1. The kind of meeting that has been planned:
2. The meeting is scheduled for [date/time], will you be attending the meeting?
3. The following agendas will be discussed (in this order)
4. Do you have any specific issue with times or ordering of the agenda?
5. Would you like to add any additional items to the agenda?
6. Do you have any material/documentation related to the agenda/s that you would like others to preview before hand?
7. Will you require multimedia for your presentation?
8. How much preview time would be required for the reading material?
9. How long should this meeting take?
10. This meeting is scheduled for [ ] minutes, how much time can you take out for this meeting?
11. What is the outcome you hope to achieve from this meeting?
12. Action item - Person who will accomplish the action item - Due date
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