Author Archive

A Simple Guide to Building a Hybrid Work Environment To Boost Employee Productivity

While the freelancers had been enjoying them for years, the world at large got to know the perks of working from home during the pandemic. The freedom to work ...
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Online Survey
By Kelvin Stiles
Mar 15 2024

How To Conduct an Online Survey? A Comprehensive Guide For Marketers!

The audience and customers are the backbone of the success of any business. So, to get them to do business with you, you have to do some vital ...
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Online Survey
By Kelvin Stiles
Mar 1 2024

20 Best ChatGPT Prompts To Boost Your Business!

In today’s fast-paced world, where artificial intelligence and machine learning modules are revolutionizing every field, ChatGPT is becoming a vital piece of a successful business puzzle. It is ...
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Small Business
By Kelvin Stiles
Feb 12 2024

Paws and Stats: Unleashing the Furry Facts of Pet Ownership in the U.S.

If you look up the word “pet” in your dictionary, you will get the meanings “a special loved one” and “a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement.” ...
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Online Survey
By Kelvin Stiles
Jan 9 2024

Launching Into the Future: Your Comprehensive Checklist for Starting Businesses in 2024

Being futuristic is the foundational attribute of all businesspersons. With this attribute, every tycoon can get a measure of upcoming business trends. These trends are dependent on innovations ...
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Small Business
By Kelvin Stiles
Dec 22 2023

Small Business Trends to Embrace in 2024

Entrepreneurs want to succeed big time. Today’s diverse world has business opportunities. What we mean by that is the world has changed dynamics, leading to wide scopes for ...
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Small Business
By Kelvin Stiles
Nov 14 2023