Archive for the 'Employee Surveys' Category

5 Key Strategies For Building A Top-Tier Workforce

All organizations aim for long-term success and growth. They are not wrong to do so because the competition is tough these days. To achieve what they aim for, ...
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Employee Surveys
By Kelvin Stiles
Jul 10 2024

How To Deal With A Difficult Boss

Good bosses are like good exes — few and far in between. But bad bosses? Dime a dozen. We all had one, worked with one, and cried with joy ...
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Employee Surveys
By Kelvin Stiles
Apr 14 2023

The Effects Of Job Automation On The Workforce and How To Fix Them

Throughout human history, job automation has been replacing human workers. When humans learned to work bronze into their daily tools, it drove stone workers out of jobs. When ...
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Employee Surveys
By Kelvin Stiles
Feb 13 2023

Talking About Gender Pronouns At Work: A Beginner’s Guide

Employees with varied gender identities are entering our workplaces and it is the need of the hour to make sure we create an inclusive, diverse, and equitable environment ...
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Employee Surveys
By Kelvin Stiles
Jan 19 2023

3 Data-Driven Methods To Determine Employees Satisfaction, And Why it’s Necessary To Do So

On the face of it, it sounds pretty simple. “To run a successful business, you need to keep your employees happy”. It makes total sense. Your employees are the people ...
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Employee Surveys
By Kelvin Stiles
Feb 10 2022

10 Employee Retention Questions You Must Ask In Your 2021 Surveys

Estaurants are opening up across the country, and as restrictions ease down, more and more diners are returning to their favorite eateries. The same, however, cannot be said ...
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Employee Surveys
By Kelvin Stiles
Jun 15 2021